Informações da Prova Questões por Disciplina Prefeitura de Itapiranga - SC (Prefeitura Municipal de Itapiranga) - Professor - Inglês - AMEOSC (Associação de Municípios do Extremo Oeste de Santa Catarina) - 2018

1 -

The interactional view “sees language as a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations and for the performance of social transactions between individuals” (Richards, Jack C.; Rodgers, Theodore S., in Approaches and Methods in language teaching), in this context, it may be correct to say that:

a) “Interactional theories reject the patterns of moves, acts, negotiation, and interaction found in conversational exchanges.”
b) “Interactional theories forbid the patterns of moves, acts, negotiation, and interaction found in conversational exchanges.”
c) “Interactional theories deny the patterns of moves, acts, negotiation, and interaction found in conversational exchanges.”
d) “Interactional theories focus on the patterns of moves, acts, negotiation, and interaction found in conversational exchanges.”
2 -

Read the text below.

A Basic Model of Language Learning

Learning an additional language necessarily involves at least five elements, or to put it another way, any explanatory model of language learning must take into account at least the following five elements:

To start off, there must be _____________, the person learning the language. No language learning will take place if the learner is not exposed to ____________, some form of the language being learned, and one of many constituents of _____________. In the process of learning the language, a systematic representation of that knowledge, _____________, develops inside the learner's head. Learning is evident in ____________, a display of the learner's ability in the language

(Barkhuizen, Gary, in Social influences in Language Learning).

Observing the context above, choose the best option that completes the paragraph in the correct order.

a) A learner – input – the social context – a foreign language – output.
b) A learner – output – the social context – an interlanguage – input.
c) A learner – input – the social context – an interlanguage – output.
d) A teacher – input – the language structure – an interlanguage – output.
3 -

In the context “It is based on the idea that learners draw heavily from their native language to learn the additional language, leading to the transfer of certain forms and meanings that may reflect differences in learner performance.;” (Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos, Y. S.) the theory described can be named as:

a) Contrastive analysis.
b) Direct method.
c) Cognitive code learning.
d) Task based teaching.
4 -

Identify the best technique when a teacher wants to apply an interactive learning activity.

a) Learner needs, styles and goals; focus on student competence, self-worth, creativity, and innovation.
b) It points learners beyond form to real world contexts; tasks contribute specifically to communicative goals; objectives organized carefully in succession; tasks engage learners; problem solving.
c) It can be developed by: pair work and group work; authentic language; meaningful communication; practicing oral communication; writing for real audiences.
d) It is an imitation of first language acquisition; oral interaction; spontaneous use of language; no translation, no analysis of grammar rules.
5 -

Observe the fragments below.

I - The visual world takes on an intensified reality to be absorbed in the work;

II - Musk's accused the man of being a thief;

III - I've become accustomed with books on anxiety that claim to offer solutions;

IV - Their careers should be extra careful about the messages.

Observing the underlined collocations, choose the correct alternative.

a) The items I, II and III, only.
b) The items I, II and IV, only.
c) The items I, III and IV, only.
d) The items II, III and IV, only.
6 -

Read the fragment below.

“[…] the officers who responded put their wounded colleagues into cruisers and rushed them to the hospital instead of ________________ for an ambulance."

Choose the best verb tense that completes the context above.

a) Wait.
b) To wait.
c) Waited.
d) Waiting.
7 -

Identify the sentence in which there is the use of a wrong tense.

a) They did not went through the right legislation procedure.
b) Did you bring energy, enthusiasm and confidence to the interview?
c) The men don't believe him at first. It's not surprising.
d) The number of fires at vacant houses has increased each month.
8 -

Analyze the fragment below.

“The camera is still on. Can you please shut ________________ off until we go back to filming again?"

Choose the best option that completes the context above.

a) Them.
b) Her.
c) It.
d) Him.
9 -

In the sentence “Michael is tall of the two boys", the underlined item should be corrected as:

a) […] the tallest.
b) […] the taller.
c) […] as tall.

[…] as tall as.

10 -

In the sentence “I _____________ the book yesterday!” Choose the correct option that completes the context.

a) […] finish.
b) […] am finishing.
c) […] had finished.
d) […] finished.

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